Drop in on Thursday evenings to work on your own projects alongside other artists. Bring your own canvases, sculptures, drawings or ideas and enjoy creating in a social environment. These are not structured classes, allowing you to work at your own pace with the option of guidance and facilitation by successful practicing artist and experienced teacher Ben Howe.

Also included is:

Music (you can also bring your own to add to the play list)

Storage: Keep your projects here if you like so you don’t have to cart them back and forth.

Drinks: Tea and coffee are free. We also have a range of beers at near cost price.

Exhibition Opportunity: to Partake in an end of year exhibition at the Pigeon Hole.

Each session costs $20.

Sessions run from 7- 10pm
Email or call me if you are interested

One response to “THURSDAY SESSIONS

  1. Mamata


    I would like to learn painting. Do you conduct any online classes. Appreciate your reply on this regards

    Thanks and Regards,

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